The Metro Rail Transit (MRT) and Light Rail Transit (LRT) should warn their passengers before the latter board the trains as most pickpockets do their thing during the time when the train doors open and the passengers are very busy forcing themselves in.
Due to high volume of train patrons, especially during rush hours, commuters always find themselves in elbow to elbow with other passengers. And during these times the thieves take advantage. The strategy is very effective as everyone's attention is focused on how he would find his way inside the train considering that there is usually not enough space to accommodate all passengers waiting at each station. One would definitely not notice that his purse or wallet is already missing until the train had moved again for the next station.
After losing my own wallet to a pickpocket at the MRT last year, I learned from a police officer to whom I reported the incident that pickpockets normally execute their criminal act during the time when the would-be victim is busy forcing himself inside the train, and the culprit does not board the train but rather stays behind the platform after accomplishing his purpose. The culprit does it so that when the victim realizes later on that his valuable is missing, there would be no way that he would be suspected of being the perpetrator.
Thus, the train staff should also notify or alert the passengers of such acts before the trains arrive at the station or while the passengers are waiting for the train to arrive. That way, the passengers would be wary of those near them and simultaneously watch their valuables while entering the trains.