Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How to Deal with Carbuncle

My father had a large wound as big as tennis ball on his back. We had him checked by a doctor and it was diagnosed as a carbuncle. Carbuncle is similar to a boil only that the former has multiple eyes while the latter has only one.

The doctor's recommendation was to do a series of surgical operation but since the wound was so huge, the operation has to be done around four times dividing the wound into four quadrants. But before starting with the first one, he has to make sure that my dad has no diabetes or that his blood sugar is stable otherwise the healing process would take long. The initial result of the blood sugar test gave a result of around 180 so we were advised to return after a few days and see if the blood sugar goes down.

We did not know how to lower down his blood sugar other than cutting his intake of sweet foods and rice. We gave him oat meal instead of rice and wheat bread instead of ordinary bread. Also, we had him drink green barley after learning that it helps in lowering blood sugar. After 3 days, the doctor was surprised to learn that the blood sugar of my dad went down to around 114. After another 3 days of drinking green barley, the blood sugar reading showed 40 and so the operation finally pushed through.

The doctor was very amazed by the fast improvement of the wound every time he conducted the operations considering that my father is 79 years old which means regeneration of cells would be very slow. We did not tell him that my dad is taking green barley because some doctors are not a fan of alternative medicine.

After around a month of taking green barley, my dad's back has no trace of any scar from the wound. That is very amazing, to think that the doctor said that a deep scar would definitely occur.

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